torsdag 2 maj 2013

Strange Animal - Blobfish

Hey guys, today im sharing with you this really strange animal i found on the internet.

blog fish
Psychrolutes Phrictus (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The best way I can describe this thing is by asking you to remember those old Wild West movies. Remember how everyone was always spitting their chewing tobacco into those metal bins? Well, imagine you looked into the bin after a couple of hours. What you’re looking at is basically a massive slimy blob of phlegm and snot. Throw in a two googly-eyes and use some lipstick to draw a mouth like the Joker’s. That is essentially your Blobfish.It’s a pretty lazy animal too. It doesn’t even waste energy swimming. Found at the bottom of the sea near Australia and Tasmania, its largely gelatinous body allows it to just float on the sea floor, swallowing any edible matter that happens to float in front of it. You cannot get lazier than that.

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