onsdag 8 maj 2013

Strange facts about Space

 Hey guys to day im sharing with you some strange facts about space! I hope you like it!

When you think you’re standing still remember this fact. Even though you don’t feel it, our entire local group of galaxies is moving at about one million miles per hour toward another galaxy group called the Virgo Cluster.

Scientist believe that diamond rains occur on Neptune and Uranus. The heart of these planets may be a layer of diamonds hundreds of miles thick.

Jupiter’s giant red spot is like a tornado and it is 3 times bigger than the earth.

The largest crater on the moon measures 183 miles across.
Astronomers know Mars is a backwards planet. Once a year, for several days, it appears to move backwards in its orbit. This is actually an optical illusion when the faster orbit of Earth races past Mars.

The farthest you can see with the naked eye is 2.4 million light years away! (140,000,000,000,000,000,000 miles.) That’s the distance to the giant Andromeda Galaxy. You can see it easily as a dim, large gray “cloud” almost directly overhead in a clear night sky.

Jupiter is a planet made entirely of gases.
The first animal sent up to outer space was a dog.
If you could live on the planet Mercury, a year would only last 88 days.
Saturn’s moon, Titan, actually has many geysers spewing out of its south poles. Scientists have said that the geysers are very similiar to the ones here on earth.

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