torsdag 16 maj 2013

Strange things sold on eBay

Last month, representatives from eBay in Russia said that the most famous auction in the world has finally officially "spoke" in Russian. The main motto of the company: "If you want to buy something - you can buy on eBay». It really sells everything or almost everything. Sometimes come true masterpieces. We bring you the top ten most unusual things ever sold on eBay.

Children Modern Western parents like to joke on the theme "if you will behave badly - selling you on eBay». But one of these jokers from Germany went further and actually created a lot with my son. The initial rate - 1 euro. Reason for sale - the child was too noisy. Harsh German authorities are not imbued with unusual sense of humor and would-be father took the child to the guardianship, and in the case of parents have started an investigation on charges of trafficking in children.

City in Texas whole city area of 13 acres, with houses and a tavern, was put up for sale on eBay in 2007, as most of its inhabitants fled, and neglect should be suspended. Bidding went well at first, but the rates did not reach the reserve price of 2.5 million dollars. Therefore, after the end of the auction, the land and buildings were sold as separate lots.
Ghost in the bank is selling American dusty old jar, arguing that it is a ghost, and that he wants to get rid of this wealth, as it scares him.Auction info leaked to the media all over the world and as a result the bank was sold for $ 50,000. The fate of the buyer wonder banks are still unknown, but an ingenious salesman was more than pleased with the result. Of course! He also got rid of the scary ghost and very good money.
Advertising space Money is definitely a good thing, and make them all as they can. But did it ever occurred to you to sell your forehead as a platform for advertising? An enterprising resident of Nebraska put the lot, offering to place a company logo or website address on your forehead for a period of 30 days. It seems to be a sure way to get rich, but the maximum rate was only $ 322. What, in general, too bad.
The liver of Sale - this is a much more extreme way to make money. However, and it has its own market. A desperate man from Florida tried to sell his liver on eBay, but since the sale of organs is illegal in this way, the auction was closed as soon as the information about it was leaked to the press. At this point, rates have come down to $ 5.7 million!
Toastie with cheese You probably rightly think that this should be a very special cheese sandwich, even unique to its price reached 28,000 dollars. And perhaps you're right. Although, judge for yourself ... The uniqueness of the sandwich was that when roasting on toast manifested face of the Virgin Mary! It can really be seen in the "holy" toast if squint to look at a certain angle and stretch the imagination.
Brussels sprouts are among many Europeans after the Christmas dinner is a lot of Brussels sprouts, but not much comes to mind to sell it on eBay. The British put just one frozen "ball" cabbage for Christmas 2005, and the description said that all proceeds from the sale will go to charity. He managed to raise £ 99.50 for a foundation that helps Third World countries.
Fighter jet on eBay often sell cars and boats, but with a lot F18 fighter came as a surprise even for the worldly-wise auction. A man bought a plane from California to the scrap yard and put up for sale with a starting price of $ 1 million. The U.S. government did not please the prospect of such a deal, and it has insisted that the fighter does not have to leave the territory of the United States. Unfortunately, the plane has not been sold, and his fate is still unknown.
An invitation to a wedding can sometimes be difficult to find someone with whom they go to the wedding. Problems arose with the satellite and a resident of London, who decided to try to take advantage of this situation is not the most pleasant. Thanks to eBay and their own resourcefulness, she went to the wedding with his brother knight, and collected 535 pounds for his charity mountain expedition in support of people with diabetes. Identity of the buyer was not disclosed.
Life After his marriage broke up, who lives in Australia on behalf of the British people decided to start life anew. To do this, he does not think of anything better than to sell his old life on eBay. Offer included a house, a car, a job, and even familiar with his friends. After the end of the auction, he outlined a new 100 goals, which was to achieve. They included, for example, diving with sharks and pilot school. As a result, the film rights to his story the film company has bought Disney, and former wife, for sure, is still kicking themselves.

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